The territories participating in the project are Spain, Portugal, France, UK and Ireland.

A joint work approach will be developed. The cooperation will facilitate the identification of the most innovative technologies that can be transferred to the market as well as the promotion of new companies in the territories to foster a dynamic and innovative sector. Several partners will carry out research and development tasks focused on energy technology, promoting and developing innovative projects that will serve as references to the participating territories.

Partners from Spain 


Concello de Ourense

Energy Lab

Instituto Tecnológico y de Energía Renovable

Partners from Portugal

Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto

Asociação de Municipios de Cova da Beira

EDA Renováveis

Partners from the United Kingdom

Eden Project

Islay Energy Trust

Partners from France

Agence locale de l’energie et du climat Métropole bordelaise et Gironde

Partners from Ireland

Cork Institute of Technology

Partners from the European Union

European Heat Pump Association

Associated entities

  1. RNAE – Associação das Agências de Energia e Ambiente (Rede Nacional) – Portugal
  2. Direção Regional da Energia da Região Autónoma dos Açores
  3. Câmara Municipal de Ribeira Grande (Açores)
  4. Câmara Municipal de Povoação (Açores)