27 Apr Esther de Blas: “We will bet on geothermal use, which will result in savings”.
Esther de Blas from A Coruña was elected last Monday as vice-rector of the Ourense Campus, with the candidacy of H2040 led by Manuel Reigosa, professor of Bioloxy at UVigo, who will replace Salustiano Mato.
What will be the main lines of action at the Ourense Campus?
We will strive to increase the autonomy of the Campus, focusing here all the units that are necessary for daily work and with the incorporation of digital administration, which will prevent displacement. On the other hand, we want to encourage collaboration, both with companies and with the rural environment, which is particularly important in a province like this one. In this sense, I believe it is important to promote the knowledge of people and companies working in rural areas of what we develop in this Campus, in order to implement the economic activity of the province. We would like to increase collaboration between the research groups working on the Campus, because we are too accustomed to each other working in our laboratory and I believe that we can greatly enrich the groups with this synergy. And, finally, what I will seek is to promote an inclusive, sustainable and healthy Campus.
How will this inclusive campus be promoted?
We have already made some progress thanks to the work done by the psycho-pedagogical office, but my intention is to implement this aspect with training plans and even research projects in order to promote this inclusion, whether physical, social or other.
What about the other two aspects, healthy and sustainable?
Living in Ourense, where we have such an important geothermal potential, I believe we have to bet on renewable energies, which will also translate into economic savings. We need to review lighting, insulation or energy sources… to achieve a change in these four years, in this regard, our Campus. At the moment we still have buildings with very high diesel consumption.
What can you tell me about Aeronautics?
It is one of the first issues to be addressed because there is a problem with the teaching staff and being one of the star degrees, and so attractive for this Campus, requires staff at the right level. I know that the rector has advanced discussions to make progress on this issue.
What about the development of the Campus da Auga?
It is our brand, our hallmark, and it is clear that it will need to be strengthened and developed, although it already has content. Anyway, we will also work for the rest of the degrees that work here and are not Campus da Auga.
What about the students?
Our priorities will be the employability and follow-up of the graduates, the recruitment of students, the connection between the end of their degree and the end of their master’s degree work and their future employability, and also their greater integration into university life, in everything related to decision-making, as well as the increase of partnerships, especially in voluntary work.
What can you tell me about the teaching load?
In the programme, we have reduced the current 320 credits to 280 per year in a first step and, depending on budget availability, we will continue to make progress on this reduction in teaching hours. This initiative will respect those professors who, due to their research work, have a load of 160 credits, which would be the ones they would retain.
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